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Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space

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Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space Empty Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space

Post  Vecko Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:27 am

Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space

Svi nuberi i noliferi outhere, dodjite da gledamo zajedno! Smile
Super Administrator
Super Administrator

Broj poruka : 420
Datum upisa : 2011-12-14
Godina : 43
Lokacija : YU

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Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space Empty Re: Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space

Post  Lule Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:32 am

ратзепонка...ицепи га феликс! бра'о за њега!!! cheers
Test Pilot
Test Pilot

Broj poruka : 130
Datum upisa : 2012-08-25
Lokacija : Third Reich

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Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space Empty Re: Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space

Post  Vecko Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:09 am

Felix za predsednika! NIje ni cudi sto je padao tako brzo...Covek ima muda od celika!
Super Administrator
Super Administrator

Broj poruka : 420
Datum upisa : 2011-12-14
Godina : 43
Lokacija : YU

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Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space Empty Re: Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space

Post  Lule Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:34 am

стигла већ и пародија...шта феликс...мачка је рипила!!! Laughing
Test Pilot
Test Pilot

Broj poruka : 130
Datum upisa : 2012-08-25
Lokacija : Third Reich

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Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space Empty Re: Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space

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