FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
4 posters
Virtual Aerial Operations / Виртуелне Ваздухопловне Операције :: Kanal 2 :: Lock On : Flaming Cliffs
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Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
@ Edit: 583 puta Ponosni vlasnik directors cut verzije od 3h i 19min i nesecene verzije od 320minuta i dva sountreka...
Last edited by Vecko on Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:10 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
mopeee....ја теби више не би дао ни кинески дигитрон, пирату! због таквих ко што си ти....
едит: и 584. пут да га гледаш, џабе ти је...нич ти ту не би скужил, неее....
едит: и 584. пут да га гледаш, џабе ти је...нич ти ту не би скужил, неее....
Lule- Test Pilot
- Broj poruka : 130
Datum upisa : 2012-08-25
Lokacija : Third Reich
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
Lule wrote:mopeee....ја теби више не би дао ни кинески дигитрон, пирату! због таквих ко што си ти....
едит: и 584. пут да га гледаш, џабе ти је...нич ти ту не би скужил, неее....
Znas kako se kaze...Ko nema glavi ima u novcaniku .
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
Vecko wrote:Znas kako se kaze...Ko nema glavi ima u novcaniku .
''тко нема у глави има у ногама''...ако ћемо запрау заправше! а џабе је више писат о томе...настављамо сутра на стрелиште!
Lule- Test Pilot
- Broj poruka : 130
Datum upisa : 2012-08-25
Lokacija : Third Reich
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
...и још ово бих само додао, кад ме веч вучеш...за језик ( ) ...сајлент хантера, сас њега сам се млатио још док је био SH2....а и онај Falcon 4.0 Alied forces сам прчкао по њега и ха-ха...и сад он мени наш'о да ми попује за њемачке ундер-зее ботове и Ф-16-тице...пиии!
Lule- Test Pilot
- Broj poruka : 130
Datum upisa : 2012-08-25
Lokacija : Third Reich
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
E moj Vecko Kada budes gledao verziju od 40GB onda se ti javi
Zoky- Admin
- Broj poruka : 188
Datum upisa : 2011-12-14
Godina : 36
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
Gori ste od tri babe tracare koje su videle gacice devojcice sto prodje !!!
Guest- Guest
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
ммм...девојачке гаћице!!! #непроцењиво
едит: да прости мој кодекс части...
едит: да прости мој кодекс части...
Lule- Test Pilot
- Broj poruka : 130
Datum upisa : 2012-08-25
Lokacija : Third Reich
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
Nista od ovoga u septembru : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Smutljivci obicni. Kao da 90% tima cine Srbi.
Smutljivci obicni. Kao da 90% tima cine Srbi.
Guest- Guest
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
How piti...DedaL! wrote:Nista od ovoga u septembru : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Smutljivci obicni. Kao da 90% tima cine Srbi.
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
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Guest- Guest
Default Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 Pre-Purchase Available
Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 available as a pre-purchase digital download for $39.99. Pre-Purchase also provides access to Beta versions of Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3.
Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 Web Page: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Purchase from: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 (FC3) is the next evolution of the Flaming Cliffs series. FC3 features the F-15C, A-10A, Su-27, Su-33, MiG-29A, MiG-29S, Su-25T, and Su-25. FC3 aircraft provide an easy learning curve for new players and focuses on a broad range of aircraft rather than a detailed single aircraft. FC3 adds a number of new features and improvements to previous versions of the Flaming Cliffs series. FC3 is a module of DCS: World, which makes it compatible with all other DCS: World titles like A-10C, Black Shark 2, P-51D, and Combined Arms.
Key Features of Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 include:
• A DCS World module that is compatible with DCS titles.
• New 6 degrees of freedom (6DOF) cockpit and model for the F-15C.
• New F-15C campaign and single missions.
• Improved cockpit art for Russian aircraft.
• Improved landing dynamics.
• Improved flight dynamics for air-to-air missiles.
• Updated and improved HUDs and other cockpit systems.
• Resource Manager that adds logistics control to missions.
• Expanded theatre of operations map into eastern Georgia.
• Countless other improvements in the areas of the mission editor, special effects, new models, improved terrain detail and AI.
Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 will require an installation of Lock On: Modern Air Combat or previous version Flaming Cliffs.
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...још само и паре да се зберу...неки непотребни вишак да се нађе...од мојих фелни за Сандеро изгледа ништа...
Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 available as a pre-purchase digital download for $39.99. Pre-Purchase also provides access to Beta versions of Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3.
Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 Web Page: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Purchase from: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 (FC3) is the next evolution of the Flaming Cliffs series. FC3 features the F-15C, A-10A, Su-27, Su-33, MiG-29A, MiG-29S, Su-25T, and Su-25. FC3 aircraft provide an easy learning curve for new players and focuses on a broad range of aircraft rather than a detailed single aircraft. FC3 adds a number of new features and improvements to previous versions of the Flaming Cliffs series. FC3 is a module of DCS: World, which makes it compatible with all other DCS: World titles like A-10C, Black Shark 2, P-51D, and Combined Arms.
Key Features of Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 include:
• A DCS World module that is compatible with DCS titles.
• New 6 degrees of freedom (6DOF) cockpit and model for the F-15C.
• New F-15C campaign and single missions.
• Improved cockpit art for Russian aircraft.
• Improved landing dynamics.
• Improved flight dynamics for air-to-air missiles.
• Updated and improved HUDs and other cockpit systems.
• Resource Manager that adds logistics control to missions.
• Expanded theatre of operations map into eastern Georgia.
• Countless other improvements in the areas of the mission editor, special effects, new models, improved terrain detail and AI.
Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 will require an installation of Lock On: Modern Air Combat or previous version Flaming Cliffs.
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...још само и паре да се зберу...неки непотребни вишак да се нађе...од мојих фелни за Сандеро изгледа ништа...
Lule- Test Pilot
- Broj poruka : 130
Datum upisa : 2012-08-25
Lokacija : Third Reich
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
for F15CVecko wrote:Jeeeeee...
Zoky- Admin
- Broj poruka : 188
Datum upisa : 2011-12-14
Godina : 36
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
Presing ima FC3. Kaze da se nije nista vazno promenilo kod Su-ova i MiG-ova. F15C necu da komentarisem
Zoky- Admin
- Broj poruka : 188
Datum upisa : 2011-12-14
Godina : 36
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
Mora teramo Viktora da nam napise neki review , kad moze na SA da daje intervue, moze i ovde malo da se angazuje...Mozda mu ponudim da i kod nas ostavi intervju!
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
Vecko wrote:Mora teramo Viktora da nam napise neki review , kad moze na SA da daje intervue, moze i ovde malo da se angazuje...Mozda mu ponudim da i kod nas ostavi intervju!
добра идеја! само буди јако обазрив, такве популарне диве лако се увреде...вероватно ће морати да му се удовољи листом жеља!
Lule- Test Pilot
- Broj poruka : 130
Datum upisa : 2012-08-25
Lokacija : Third Reich
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
Eno na ED forumu vec pocinje erupcija nezadovojlstva. Ljudi se osecaju zajebani za pare, uporedjuju modele i teksture flankera sa onima sa Amige... Moderatori brisu postove u najvece...Strasno...
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
Vecko wrote:Eno na ED forumu vec pocinje erupcija nezadovojlstva. Ljudi se osecaju zajebani za pare, uporedjuju modele i teksture flankera sa onima sa Amige... Moderatori brisu postove u najvece...Strasno...
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...звучиш ко она лисица у басни са "киселим" грожђем!
Lule- Test Pilot
- Broj poruka : 130
Datum upisa : 2012-08-25
Lokacija : Third Reich
и које сад...!?
И шта сад да се ради...!?
Изаш'о нови ФЦ 3...колко видим ''управа'' исти бојкотује, као фол не ваља ...такође приметна је и осетна миграција са сервера где се још увек игра ФЦ 2... тако да у догледно време, тко жели да ''лети'' у мулти-плејеру, хтео не хтео, мора да се упдејтује односно олакша за неких 3.500 динџи...
...мени остаје једино она хамлетовска дилема...фелна за Сандеро или ФЦ 3...that is the question,now!?
пс. а и форум ти је клинички мртав маторииии....нема комуникацијаааа...локализацијааа....итд.
Изаш'о нови ФЦ 3...колко видим ''управа'' исти бојкотује, као фол не ваља ...такође приметна је и осетна миграција са сервера где се још увек игра ФЦ 2... тако да у догледно време, тко жели да ''лети'' у мулти-плејеру, хтео не хтео, мора да се упдејтује односно олакша за неких 3.500 динџи...
...мени остаје једино она хамлетовска дилема...фелна за Сандеро или ФЦ 3...that is the question,now!?
пс. а и форум ти је клинички мртав маторииии....нема комуникацијаааа...локализацијааа....итд.
Lule- Test Pilot
- Broj poruka : 130
Datum upisa : 2012-08-25
Lokacija : Third Reich
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
Evo ti i lista novih "featurea" Milad'ne...I to posle samo dva dana...
List update:
1 - F15 Gear up = black textures
2 - Mig29S external fuel tanks not displayed on fuel tape # Feature and working as intended - *Under Revision* *Resolved*
3 - F15 ADI switched
4 - F15 Virtual head movement excessive
5 - Russian planes Cannot lock contact in TWS
6 - AK arrestor cables not animated # Fixed in latest revisions.
7 - SU33 loadout indicators reversed in cockpit
8 - Refuelling F15/SU33 buggy
9 - F15 VSD text overlap when STT/Guns
10 - F15 external lights absent in flight
11 - Damage modelling to wheels/landing gear absent
12 - F15 HUD unreadable
13 - Russian planes Nav circle misalignment in ENR/RTN modes
14 - Engines/Afterburner on even though engines on fire.
15 - R27ER no loft trajectory
16 - Mig31 nosewheel not grounded
17 - Canopy jettison animation wrong
18 - EOS scanning not functional in elevation
19 - SU-27 cockpit textures include English labels. Not consistent translation. Examples: MSL and GUN on the weapons panel
20 - SU27 entire RWR is in English
21 - SU-27 native HUD "ИЗЛ" symbol overlaps over distance scale in BVR mode with Radar on
22 - F15 HUD indications overlapping
23 - Su-25, Su-25T and Mig-29 Caution, Warning and Trim lights are in english instead of russian letters
24 - HUD contacts in front appears also in Rear Aspect Mode.
25 - Frontal aspect HUD contacts appears in Rear radar mode and can be locked
26 - SU33 Green HUD block at night effect
27 - A10 ADI switched
28 - F15 black cockpit pixelation when facing northerly direction (afternoon)
29 - MIG29 Command Airspeed in LDG mode way below minimum
30 - SU27 Command Airspeed in LDG mode slightly below minimum
31 - Graphical glith (hash marks) in lower centre of SU27 HUD when zoomed out
32 - Graphical glith (hash marks) in lower centre of SU33 HUD when zoomed out
33 - F15 no drag increase with external fuel tanks
34 - Flyables smoke pod colours are incorrectly designated
35 - Scripting for cobra not present
36 - AIM-120C tracks target beyond gimbal limits
37 - Ballistic AIM-120C locks target beyond FOV/Gimbal limits
38 - SU27 automated leading edge flaps on flanker are shown in pit instruments as regular flaps
39 - SU27 when leading edge flaps are operational audio is heard for normal flaps
40 - FC2/FC3 mission incompatibility
41 - F-15C CTD initiated by changing the weapons (CTD when the player lock in the NAV mode a target with the radar and change the weapons)
42 - SU33 floating on pitching AK deck
43 - SU27/33 weapon panel characters misalignment if the cockpit illumination is on
44 - G940 HOTAS FFB issues/not functioning correctly
45 - F15 unable to adjust altimeter pressure setting at all.
46 - F-15C antenna does not track PTD in elevation with TWS
47 - Air to Air missiles do not have INS
48 - ECM uses FC2 behaviour in DCS world
49 - Missiles expend too much speed when turning
50 - Short range missiles do not turn hard enough
51 - Virtual Pilot G-Tolerance is too low
52 - Helicopters are exhibiting stealth characteristics
List update:
1 - F15 Gear up = black textures
2 - Mig29S external fuel tanks not displayed on fuel tape # Feature and working as intended - *Under Revision* *Resolved*
3 - F15 ADI switched
4 - F15 Virtual head movement excessive
5 - Russian planes Cannot lock contact in TWS
6 - AK arrestor cables not animated # Fixed in latest revisions.
7 - SU33 loadout indicators reversed in cockpit
8 - Refuelling F15/SU33 buggy
9 - F15 VSD text overlap when STT/Guns
10 - F15 external lights absent in flight
11 - Damage modelling to wheels/landing gear absent
12 - F15 HUD unreadable
13 - Russian planes Nav circle misalignment in ENR/RTN modes
14 - Engines/Afterburner on even though engines on fire.
15 - R27ER no loft trajectory
16 - Mig31 nosewheel not grounded
17 - Canopy jettison animation wrong
18 - EOS scanning not functional in elevation
19 - SU-27 cockpit textures include English labels. Not consistent translation. Examples: MSL and GUN on the weapons panel
20 - SU27 entire RWR is in English
21 - SU-27 native HUD "ИЗЛ" symbol overlaps over distance scale in BVR mode with Radar on
22 - F15 HUD indications overlapping
23 - Su-25, Su-25T and Mig-29 Caution, Warning and Trim lights are in english instead of russian letters
24 - HUD contacts in front appears also in Rear Aspect Mode.
25 - Frontal aspect HUD contacts appears in Rear radar mode and can be locked
26 - SU33 Green HUD block at night effect
27 - A10 ADI switched
28 - F15 black cockpit pixelation when facing northerly direction (afternoon)
29 - MIG29 Command Airspeed in LDG mode way below minimum
30 - SU27 Command Airspeed in LDG mode slightly below minimum
31 - Graphical glith (hash marks) in lower centre of SU27 HUD when zoomed out
32 - Graphical glith (hash marks) in lower centre of SU33 HUD when zoomed out
33 - F15 no drag increase with external fuel tanks
34 - Flyables smoke pod colours are incorrectly designated
35 - Scripting for cobra not present
36 - AIM-120C tracks target beyond gimbal limits
37 - Ballistic AIM-120C locks target beyond FOV/Gimbal limits
38 - SU27 automated leading edge flaps on flanker are shown in pit instruments as regular flaps
39 - SU27 when leading edge flaps are operational audio is heard for normal flaps
40 - FC2/FC3 mission incompatibility
41 - F-15C CTD initiated by changing the weapons (CTD when the player lock in the NAV mode a target with the radar and change the weapons)
42 - SU33 floating on pitching AK deck
43 - SU27/33 weapon panel characters misalignment if the cockpit illumination is on
44 - G940 HOTAS FFB issues/not functioning correctly
45 - F15 unable to adjust altimeter pressure setting at all.
46 - F-15C antenna does not track PTD in elevation with TWS
47 - Air to Air missiles do not have INS
48 - ECM uses FC2 behaviour in DCS world
49 - Missiles expend too much speed when turning
50 - Short range missiles do not turn hard enough
51 - Virtual Pilot G-Tolerance is too low
52 - Helicopters are exhibiting stealth characteristics
Re: FC3 izlazu ovog meseca!!!!!!!!!
како год...ипак је бета у питању! али у догледно време, мора да се апгрејдујем на ФЦ 3...за сад фелне за Сандера су приоритет!!! и још бу да додам, не да браним мистер Вага, али погледајте само цијене осталих летачких симулатора типа Рајз оф флајт или Клифс оф Довер...ФЦ 3 му дође један од јефтинијих...
пс. и ову листу си преписао...
ево вам га хејтери:
пс. и ову листу си преписао...
ево вам га хејтери:
Lule- Test Pilot
- Broj poruka : 130
Datum upisa : 2012-08-25
Lokacija : Third Reich
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Virtual Aerial Operations / Виртуелне Ваздухопловне Операције :: Kanal 2 :: Lock On : Flaming Cliffs
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